Covid-19 Protection Regulations

 These regulations are based on the guidelines for protective measures against spread of infectious disease, issued by the Norwegian Chess Federation.

1. Players with any symptoms of illness are not allowed to start in the tournament,

2. Players who are feeling unwell during the tournament must notify the organizer as soon as possible, and stay away from the playing hall, and away from the hotel’s dining area during the meals.

3. There shall be at least 1 m separation distance between the players.

4. Players are encouraged, but not required to wear a face mask. The arbiters will wear face masks as they will move between the tables.

5. Players should refrain from handshakes at the start and the finish of the game. In the good spirit of the tournament, players are encouraged to greet each other without physical contact.

6. Only the player having the move can lean over the board. The player not having the move, shall remain seated in a normal upright position.

7. Hand sanitizers will be widely available in the playing area. Players are obliged to have freshly clean hands

  1. When the game is about to start.
  2. Upon re-entering the playing hall during the game.
  3. Whenever having coughed, sneezed or wiped their nose.

8. No eating is allowed in the playing hall. Players can only bring a cup of tea/coffee or other drinks to the table.

9. Bystanders and visitors are required to have their name and contactinfo registered  before visiting the playing hall. They are required to wear a face mask inside the playing hall, and have to remain along the perimeter of the playing zone, and at least 2 m apart from anyone else. No more than 20 bystanders are allowed into the playing hall at any time.

10. Players having finished their games are considered as bystanders for the rest of the round.

11. Violations of this regulations can be sanctioned with normal penalties for the games, as described in the Laws of Chess 12.9. Bystanders can be asked to leave the playing area.

12. Responsible for enforcing these regulations is IA Tom Georg Eriksen.